I don't like watching movies after hearing so many great things about them, because it influences how you watch the movie. And usually the movie doesn't live up to its hype, because you get your hopes and expectations very high and get disappointed after you see it.
The Swedish 2008 movie Let the Right One in was one of these movies in the beginning. I have read and heard so much about it, and it was a one of the most critically acclaimed movies of the decade. But since I thought it was a vampire movie, I never made an effort to try to watch the movie. I'm not a fan of vampire movies, or scary movies in general. I don't get the point of watching a movie just to get scared. And I also don't like fantastic, mythical elements in movies, so I never watch vampire movies.
But when I saw Let the Right One in on Demand on TV, late last night, I decided to give it a shot. First of all, it is NOT a vampire movie. It's a drama, a love story between two kids, and one of them is a vampire. It's probably the strangest love story I have ever seen, it is very interesting.
The movie is really slow-paced and gloomy. This is because it takes place in Sweden, and its snowy and dark in most of the scenes. This makes the movie a bit hard to watch.
The acting is amazing in the movie, the two kids do a great job, especially the vampire girl (!) deserves special praise.
I don't want to give spoilers, so this is all the detail I'm going to give about the movie. But definitely watch the movie. To be honest, I think it is a little overrated, considering that it has a 8.1/10 on imdb, and an 82 on metacritic. Or maybe this is the effect of what I was talking about in the beginning. Maybe I was expecting something so amazing that anything less than that would have been disappointing. This is why I like seeing movies without knowing anything about them.
So just see it! It's different and I bet you haven't seen a movie like this before, so it's worth seeing.
P.S. Don't worry if you can't see blood or scary elements, the movie is not that gory at all, if you can get through the first 15 minutes, you are fine.
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